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Eric Martinez

Dallas Mavericks Renovate Resource Center for Volunteers of America

The Dallas Mavericks and the Mavs Foundation teamed up with Chime to renovate and upgrade a resource center for the MINT Program at Volunteers of America Texas (VOA Texas). The Mothers and Infants Nurturing Together (MINT) Program is a place where incarcerated mothers may come prior to giving birth to their babies at the VOA Texas facility.

The newly renovated space provides resources to learn about their pregnancy journey, continue and further their education, and create memory books for their children. Dallas Mavericks player Olivier-Maxence Prosper, Mavs Foundation President Katie Edwards, Dallas Wings VP of Social Responsibility LaDondra Wilson, and VOA National CEO Mike King marked the momentous occasion with a dedication ceremony. “It’s important for us to give back to our community with the platform we have. I feel a responsibility to help others. It's great to play basketball, but there’s more to life than just basketball. How can you help others? How can you inspire the next generation? How can you make a difference? And that’s why I feel like this is so important.” Prosper said.

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