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Writer's pictureFagothethird Franklin

Remembering Bloody Sunday

On March, 7, 1965, many activists fighting for equality to vote was trying to cross a bridge in Selma, Alabama, but was met by the unthinkable habit of humanity at that time. Racists people and law enforcement who did not want the activists to march, beat and killed unarmed people of color. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lewis, who were some of the faces in the march, kept their composure with bodies beaten and the stalking of death all around them.

The violence that happened that day, shaped and helped America change in a new direction. National media did its job and put pressure on the government to make a change so African American citizens could vote in peace and not be threatened or killed attempting to do so. President Johnson signed the the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which was the future bridge that helped President Obama, as well as Vice President Harris get into office.

On this day, President Biden had these words to say about the importance of voting. "My Administration will continue implementing my Executive Order to promote voter participation, increase access to the ballot, and rally the country to protect voting rights and election integrity. Vice President Harris, marching in Selma today, will continue to lead this effort. The U.S. Justice Department has doubled its voting rights enforcement staff to stop discriminatory voting laws as the Voting Rights Act of 1965 empowered it to do. And I will continue to use every tool at my disposal to strengthen our democracy and keep alive the promise of America for all Americans.

The battle for the soul of America has many fronts. The right to vote is the most fundamental."

Voting is one thing, but actually making change in a country that fears new direction is another It is sad to say that the modern version of fighting for equality for the African American community is a movement called The Black Lives Matter Movement. It is the same concept .Many fear that change will not happen with :traditional people and voices in offices, but some are optimistic.

Only time will tell,but let' take a moment to remember the brave warriors who fought for the right to vote and make a difference in the nation.

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