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  • Writer's pictureFagothethird Franklin

Tyler Perry brings a motivational message to viewers at the 2020 E! People's Choice Awards

Los Angeles- Tyler Perry uses the 2020 E! People's Choice Awards as a platform to inspire others not to give up on their dreams.

After accepting the "People's Champion Award", Perry used his experience with overcoming an obstacle to send out a message to people around the globe. He shared with viewers about buying a house and needing to dig a well, because his water bill was extremely high. Perry called an engineer to start digging a test well, but it was all in vain the first time around. They could not find a water reservoir. A lot of time and energy was wasted in the next couple of weeks, but Perry did not want to give up. Perry was about to throw in the towel, but finally they hit water after digging close to 1,000 feet.

"Why am I talking about digging for water? In this world, we’re all digging wells, in our lives, digging wells in relationships, we put in time and effort and energy and sometimes it doesn’t give us what we need," Perry shared. "Time and effort and energy into dreams and business and it doesn’t give us what we were after."

"If you just keep digging you may be four inches away from every gift and every blessing you ever wanted in your life," Perry continued. "Had I given up when I was homeless, sleeping in my car, hungry, had I given up these people that you see on the screen right now wouldn't be part of my dream."

"Let me tell you something, listen to me, when you get there, to that water, and see it coming and know you have what you need, this is what I want you to always remember, make sure that everybody you run into meets you at your worth,"

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