Tabitha Brown makes a bold statement about settling
Our favorite PositiviTEA queen, influencer, and actor Tabitha Brown showed us the definition of integriTEA last week on social media. In her caption she revealed that her new vegan competition cooking series It's CompliPlated was removed from the primetime lineup on Thursday at 9 p.m. to Tuesdays at 1 p.m. on Food Network. In her video she unapologetically spilled a little tea on why that change may have happened. “I know I’ve said this time and time before, but for whatever reason people just don’t seem to believe me, okay?” she exclaimed. “There is not a company, there is not a network, there is not a person, place, or thing that is going to change who I am.”

While many are willing to make adjustments necessary to keep the top spot, Brown reminds us what she truly stands for and what she has built her brand on. She continued her speech, “I’m not going to change. I’m not going to shift a little bit for your audience. I’m not going to talk a little bit differently for your comfort.” To set the record straight no names or networks were mentioned in speech but if the show is on Food Network then the shoe fits.
Although Tabitha makes it clear through her lifestyle and her brand that no amount of money or fame is worth losing yourself or your soul. A fan came for her on twitter about the video. The tweet read “I’ve never seen an arrogant person win. Learn, implement, improve”. Keeping it classy and respectful as she always does, Tab responded with grace “Honey please don’t confuse freedom with arrogance. I used to be a code switcher and it did nothing for anyone. We should be accepted in any room because we are enough!
Regardless of the schedule change, episodes are available for streaming on Discovery+ and will also remain on the roster for on-demand. Congratulations on all of your success Tabitha. We appreciate you for creating positive purposeful content that fills our cups daily. Let’s get It's CompliPlated some primetime ratings in its new spot on Tuesday at 1 p.m. and stream it on Discovery+.