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Seattle Seahawks Players Pay Homage to Front Line Workers at Virginia Mason Hospital

Seattle-Seattle Seahawks running back Travis Homer and defensive lineman Branden Jackson decided to visit Virginia Mason Hospital in Seattle last week to help out front line workers and let them know that they respect and honor their bravery.

Homer and Jackson know that the spirit that the "12's" fan base has as far as unity within the city of Seattle is something that brings people together and uplifts their spirits. Last week, both of these players passed out hand out portable Vejo blenders, nutrition pods, handmade Hawks masks, food from Paseo, and beverages to the people who are the front line workers. There were a lot of positive spirits, laughs, and an understanding that this virus will is a trial period, and in due time, life will get better.

"I am trying to give back in a small way to the nurses, doctors and front line workers at

Virginia Mason,” Homer said. “I initially teamed up with the Nourish Heroes Vejo project

and then Paseo restaurant, Sparkling Ice and a fan offered to send handmade

Seahawks masks to show love, too. I appreciate and realize how extremely important

the frontline workers are to the city of Seattle during this time and every day.”

“To show up as Seahawks to show we care is a symbol of gratitude. I am honored to be

there to thank the true heroes in all hospitals in Seattle,” said Jackson.

While the front line workers are making sure that everyone is safe and help those patients who have the Covivd 19, let's keep in mind that without them, there would be no us. Let's stay connected, be positive, and understand that unity and support is what the world needs.

Check out the pictures that were taken by Hoa Doung!

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